BIBD held a prize presentation ceremony today for its monthly “Top Up Tia” campaign winners recently.
The prize ceremony was held at the BIBD Rimba Branch. On hand to give away the prizes was Jeffri Ahmad Said, Head of Transaction & Support Services from BIBD’s Corporate Banking Group.
All the respective winners were in an ecstatic mood as they all were presented with their respective prizes ranging from the latest Apple gadgets such as iPhone 6s, iPhone 6s Plus or iPad Pro. The monthly promotional campaign will be running until the 30th of April 2016.

The winners of the BIBD Top Up Tia campaign
The BIBD Top Up Tia campaign encourages its customers to use either the BIBD Mobile or BIBD Online channels to perform ‘top-ups’ on their DES electricity, DST’s Easi or GO!broadband and Progresif Cellular’s mobile and broadband. The service provides the perfect solution of having speed and convenience for the top-up of these utilities mentioned. Users of the service do not need to make any extra effort to purchase physical top up cards at vendors as they can just log on to BIBD Mobile or BIBD Online and top up all these utilities directly. These conveniences become extra useful in times of need, during off business hours or shortages of physical top-up cards in, especially the denominations you want.
For more information on any BIBD services, products and promotions, please follow the BIBD Instagram account at @BIBDBRUNEI; Facebook page at; get in touch with BIBD Contact Centre at 2238181 or visit the nearest BIBD Branch. Also, don’t forget to download the popular BIBD Mobile App to get the latest BIBD offers and promotions under “What’s New” feature.

The winners of Baiduri and Hua Ho’s ‘The Big Shopping Win’ promotion were awarded their prizes in a ceremony held at the department store held at Hua Ho Kiulap on Sunday.
Mah Wai Keun was delighted as she opened her envelope and realised that she had won the Mitsubishi Lancer 1.6 Auto grand prize. Headillah Zainuddin and his happy family took home the second prize of a Mitsubishi Attrage 1.2 Auto while Md Norizam Hj Md Zain won a $1,000 shopping voucher from Hua Ho.
Director of Hua Ho, Lau Soon Lin and Manager of Card Brand Relationship & Business Banking Support, Baiduri Michelle Lo together with Manager of Business Banking, Baiduri Davern Lim presented the keys to the grand winners.

Mah Wai Keun (left), the winner of the Mitsubishi Lancer 1.6 Auto grand prize with Michelle Lo, Manager of Card Brand Relationship & Business Banking Support and Lau Soon Lin, Director of Hua Ho

The second prize winner of the Mitsubishi Attrage 1.2 Auto

Md Norizam Hj Md Zain won a $1,000 shopping voucher from Hua Ho

During the final draw
The names of the 10 finalists were drawn last Friday, and the winners were determined through a number of rounds using envelopes – containing information that indicate whether they were able to pass to the next round or not – which were given randomly.
During the final round, the three finalists were asked to pick from a set of envelopes containing information on the order in which they get to pick the final set of envelopes, which contained the grand prizes of the day.
The other seven finalists received consolation prizes in the form of $300 and $500 Hua Ho shopping vouchers, presented by Branch Manager of Hua Ho Mulaut Alex Lim and Manager of Hua Ho Kiulap respectively.

Click image to book your tickets
It’s happening soon. The 7th edition of the PechaKucha series from Brunei Darussalam. I’m excited because of the line up of speakers especially Hj Rozan Yunos and my good friend Sophia Siu. I have attended a few sessions and they have been awesome because I learnt more about individuals and their ideas where some I could relate to.
Similar to a TEDx concept on sharing your thoughts, the only difference is that the presentation of ideas and thoughts are delivered through public speaking with 20 slides where it changes every 20 seconds.
So far the presentations have been successful and wonderful to learn at the same time. I just booked my tickets for the event and I highly recommend you to catch at least one PechaKucha and this edition is not the one to be missed. You can visit their website to book your attendance and do refer to the poster for more details.

Hj Rozan Yunos, a role model for me, is one of the listed speakers for PechaKucha next weekend. I can’t wait.

Finally she is one of the speakers for PechaKucha. Good luck, Sophia aka @lilmopiko

Abdul Zainidi, another local talent, who made his name internationally. Image from his Facebook.

A comedian, an actor, a public speaker, ah the list goes on.. I admire his journey to pursue his dreams. There’s only one Zainal Bostaman. Good luck next week.

The 6th edition of PechaKucha last December at Energy Kitchen. It will be the same venue again.

I was inspired by Josephine’s journey as an entrepreneur. I had the fire feeling inside when I saw her presentation at PechaKucha last December. Now reflecting back, I should have taken advantage of that fire in me. Click image to listen to Josephine’s story.

Amir Noor shared his passion on long board in the 6th edition of PechaKucha and how it has been gaining popularity in Brunei.