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Learning camp for BIBD ALAF 


BIBD recently held a closing ceremony for its learning camps at the Orchid Garden Hotel for its Holiday English Language Program (HELP) Camps organised for the BIBD ALAF programme students. The learning camps also included a refresher camp for this year’s forty-six students recently introduced into the ALAF programme.

The camps were aimed to further support the development and progression of students under the BIBD ALAF programme, help build their self-confidence, develop their communication capabilities, and instil a sense of appreciation of the aims of the ALAF program.

The HELP camps were organised with the cooperation of CfBT to deliver bespoke English training camps for BIBD ALAF programme students. The HELP camps also included lectures, debate sessions, hands-on and task-based activities to promote teamwork. The camps are also designed to foster a ‘can do’ belief in their English abilities and to establish good learner training habits.

The BIBD ALAF programme currently includes more than one hundred students, whose funds are collected from a variety of sources. These include the BIBD charity expeditions for ALAF, generous contributions from corporate agencies as well as the general public since its launch in May 2013 by Her Royal Highness Paduka Seri Pengiran Anak Isteri Pengiran Anak Sarah.




The ALAF programme was developed in close partnership with the Department of Schools, Ministry of Education, and in 2015 a Memorandum of Understanding was also signed with the Islamic Studies Department from the Ministry of Religious Affairs. This will lead to constant efforts and close collaboration between all parties to ensure the successful implementation and provision of assistance to the ALAF programme.

The ALAF programme provides the selected students with provisions for school and tuition fees, educational materials and welfare, as well as mentoring and counselling necessities amongst others. All these efforts are meant to ensure the absolute commitment of these students towards the development of their education, and prevent them from being bothered by other commitments. The ALAF programme will also continue to provide support and assistance to these students until the end of their respective educational requirements.

Through ALAF, BIBD hopes to align its support to His Majesty’s 2035 vision of obtaining a 100% level of education for everyone, which in turn is hoped to help reduce poverty. In Shaa Allah, this will lead Brunei towards a more prosperous and peaceful future, making Brunei populated with educated, highly skilful and successful individuals, in line with internationally set standards.

Members of the public wishing to contribute into the BIBD ALAF fund may do so with a minimum donation of B$1.01 into the BIBD ALAF account at 1018181811 via BIBD channels such as the BIBD Online website, BIBD Mobile app, BIBD ATM and CDMs, and BIBD branch counters. The public can also set up a BIBD Standing Instruction to ensure a monthly donation into the ALAF fund.

As an added option, BIBD account holders can also use their accumulated BIBD Hadiah Points for cash conversion into contributions into the ALAF fund account. Progresif users can also make donation to the ALAF programme via its dedicated SMS in denominations of BND 1,5,10, 15 and 20 by typing “ALAF” and entering the amount selected, and sending it to 38988.





UBD Toasties dominate contest 

The winners of Area K6 Toastmasters International Speech Contest and Table Topics Contest with UBD Toastmasters members

Allen Ang, Area K6 Director, Rahman Tarsat of Brunei Speakers’ Club (2nd runner up), Pranika Lama of UBD Toastmasters Club (winner), Pooja Shivanand of Brunei Speakers’ Club (1st runner-up) and Sandy Siew Fun Tan, Co-organizing Chair of the contest. The winners are for the Area K6 International Speech contest.

Two UBD Toastmasters have recently emerged as champions in Toastmasters speech Contest. 1st place winner for International Speech, Pranika Lama shared the about gratitude, the moment you open your eyes. It was followed by Pooja Shivanand in second place, talked about “The Middle Way”, which is a balanced higher way between two extreme choices help us make better decisions. Between humility and arrogance, there can be modesty; between fear and rashness there can be courage. In third place, Rahmat Tarsat drew on her mother’s experiences to demonstrate the detrimental effect of negative thinking in her speech, ‘Believe and You Can’.

Meanwhile in Table Topic Category, Julius Hong won 1st place, followed by Yong Shih Ching in 2nd place and Hazwan Kamarulzaman in 3rd place for speaking on the same impromptu topic “Cherish Yesterday, Dream Tomorrow, Live Today”.

The contest took place at the Multipurpose Hall, Universiti Brunei Darusalam, where 8 participants competed in International Speech Category while 7 participants competed in Table Topics category. The objective of the contests are to provide an opportunity for speakers to improve their speaking abilities and to provide an opportunity to learn by observing the more proficient speakers who have benefited from their toastmasters training. Competition begins with club contests and winners continue competing through the area, division and district levels.

In Brunei, top 2 speakers from Brunei Speakers Club, Oil Town Talkers Club, Brunei Advanced Speakers Club & UBD Toastmasters Club vie for a chance to compete with Toastmasters from Sabah and Labuan. This year, Pranika Lama and Julius Hong will represent Brunei on Division K level in Sandakan, Sabah on 10th April.

At the end of the contest, each contestants received certificate of participation whilst winning certificates and trophies were presented by Area K6 Director Allen Ang.


Allen Ang, Area K6 Director, Yong Shih Ching of OTTERS Toastmasters Club (1st runner-up), Julius Hong of UBD Toastmasters Club (winner), Hazwan Kamarulzaman of Brunei Advanced Speakers’ Club (2nd runner-up) and Gerald Goh, co-organizer of the contest

Nina Kifrawi during the International Speech Contest

Yong Shih Ching during the Table Topics Contest

Pooja Shivanand during the International Speech Contest

Supatra Lee during the Table Topics Contest

Philip during the International Speech Contest

Rahul giving a warm hug to his wife before heading on stage

Still brothers after the contest

With the co-organizer contest, Sandy


Rahul being the Contest Chair (the host) during the International Speech category



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